Rimfire Steel Challenge Match
based on the Rimfire Challenge Shooting Association
Regular Match Schedule: 2nd & 4th Saturday each month
Match Location: Willow Hole Cowboy range (see home page for range location)
Registration: Online Registration is located HERE.
Advance information: Email sent to rimfire email list the weekend prior to the match (click here to send message requesting to be added to rimfire email list).
Day before the match:
- Noon: RV dry camping opens
- 7:00 pm: Pre-registration closes
Day of match:
- 8:00 am: Range opens for target set up and shooter check-in
- 8:45 am: Shooter registration closes. No exceptions.
- 8:50 am: Mandatory safety meeting
- 9:00 am: Match starts
Match Fees:
- $15 for first gun for members
- $20 for first gun for non-members
- $5 each additional gun
Scores are posted HERE after every match.
Firearm categories:
Rifle > optics
Rifle > sights
Pistol > optics
Pistol > sights
Revolver > sights
Match description:
A match at WHC typically consists of 5 or 6 stages. Each stage will have 5 to 7 steel targets at distances of 5-20 yards and target sizes will vary between 12-20 inches.
One target is defined as the “stop plate” and is painted red. You’ll start with the firearm pointed at the stop plate. At the beep, you’ll fire at each target in whatever order you choose. The last shot must be on the stop plate, making sure not to shoot it before you finish the string. You’re also allowed to make up misses.
The total time for a string is the raw time (beep to stop plate) plus 3 seconds for each miss. At every stage, a shooter shoots 5 strings. The 4 fastest are totaled to give the score for that stage, and the lowest overall time is the winner.
Firearms are loaded only at the firing line and there are specific procedures regarding firearm handling. Safety is paramount and attendance at the safety meeting before the match is required for insurance reasons. The Willow Hole Cowboys rimfire steel challenge is loosely based on the Rimfire Challenge Shooting Association.